Live Event Community | Communauté événementielle was created 12 March 2020 in the aftermath of mass event cancellations across North America due to COVID-19. Live event freelancers were worried that their livelihood had disappeared overnight. Four live event professionals in Toronto registered a URL, spun up a phone number and launched a social media presence on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook to provide a vetted source of information available to all.
We have no funding and no membership. We do have an organic reach of 30,000 and 1,200 followers on Facebook, and a mailing list that has tripled since we announced the Day of Visibility for the Live Event Community.
We work with national and regional organizations, buildings, municipalities, and most importantly grassroots teams of A/V vendors and live event workers from coast to coast. The Live Event industries were the first to stop when COVID-19 spread, and will be the last to return. As a community, we are committed to safety of our audience, our attendees, our performers and all workers. We know rebuilding will be slow, and ask that government continue to support all furloughed live event workers, and continue to support the companies who supply and operate live events nationally.
Support for our Day of Visibility for the Live Event Community has been overwhelming, and the message has been “how can we help?”